Topic: Biblical Theology
Reclaiming Mythology
I believe that Genesis is mythological, and you should too.
Topics: philosophy, genesis, biblical theology
Jesus at the Feast of Booths: John 7-8 - Part 3
The third article in an ongoing series looking at John’s account of Jesus at the Feast of Booths recorded in John 7-8.
Topics: old testament background, john, biblical theology

One People - Part 2
Peter calls the church a “chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God.” Where does Peter get this language?
Topics: dispensational theology, covenant theology, biblical theology

One People - Part 1
So whether it is a believer before the cross of Christ or after, whether it is a Jew or a Greek, whether it is a slave or a freeman, there is one plan, on faith, one Mediator, and one body; for there is one Spirit - there is one people of God.
Topics: dispensational theology, covenant theology, biblical theology

A Biblical View of the “Everlasting Possession” Land Promise
It has been my thesis in this series that God’s promise of land to His people is intimately bound up in His overall purpose – to be glorified throughout the whole earth. For God to accomplish this primary purpose, He has repeatedly decreed that His people would live among his glory in a localized piece of land and then spread out from there, carrying God’s glory to the rest of the world as His image bearers. In essence, God has given a local land promise with a view towards globalization in order that He would be glorified to the ends of the earth. Therefore, the “everlasting possession” promise of Canaan has been expanded to cover the entire earth.
Topics: biblical theology

One Land
There are not two peoples of God awaiting two different lands; there is one people of God who together will be made perfect in Christ Jesus at His glorious appearing!
Topics: dispensational theology, covenant theology, biblical theology

Our Children and Conversion
Certainly, there must be new birth! But to insist that this new birth is dependent upon or somehow necessitates a dramatic conversion experience is to abandon the sovereign grace of God in the salvation of his people.
Topics: family, covenant theology, children, biblical theology

One Faith
While the New Covenant was indeed “New,” the elect of ALL time, both prior to and after the inauguration of it, are members of the New Covenant.
Topics: dispensational theology, covenant theology, biblical theology

To You and To Your Children
Our children need the Word of God – even as they are the children of believers; even as they are covenant children; even as they are holy - and should be viewed as such.
Topics: family, covenant theology, children, biblical theology
One Tree
Paul said the gospel has gone to Gentiles that Israel (ethnic) might be envious; have we made them envious? Instead of making them envious we’ve sought to comfort them in their rejection of Christ.
Topics: dispensational theology, covenant theology, biblical theology
The Land Promise To The Patriarchs
We turn to the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and we see that Adam’s commission and its associated promises are passed along to them. We’ll start with a discussion on the similarities between Adam and Noah’s commission and the one given to the patriarchs, and then we will discuss the differences between the two commissions.
Topics: the cultural mandate, biblical theology
Jesus at the Feast of Booths: John 7-8 - Part 2
In this article, I explore the Old Testament background that is important to our understanding of Jesus’ ministry at the Feast of Booths as recorded in John 7-8.
Topics: old testament background, john, biblical theology
Just Make a Decision, Will You?
I believe that the effects of Charles Finney’s (and other’s) ministry has so infected the American church that we hardly even know all the areas polluted by it. Our understanding of and expectations concerning Covenant Children is one of those areas.
Topics: children, biblical theology
Genesis: Keep’m Separated
In this series, we will study the contours and imagery of the Book of Genesis. Genesis provides the seed from which the gospel blooms - and much is to be discovered in its pages.
Topics: genesis, creation, biblical theology
To Whom Do They Belong?
So what does this mean for the church and for parents as we seek to minister to these young ones in our midst? Do we view them as wolves among the sheep or do we view them as lambs within the fold?
Topics: family, covenant theology, children, biblical theology

A New Testament Biblical Theology
02.02.2012 by Greg BillingsleyIn our first In Progress review, we are going to delve deeply into G. K. Beale’s new release, A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New.
Topics: new testament theology, biblical theology
The People of God - Intro, Part 2
As we begin to understand that from Genesis to Revelation, there is one plan of God for one people of God redeemed by the Son of God, we begin to see the grace, compassion, love, forgiveness, and faithfulness of the LORD our God and the absolute wonder of the Gospel.
Topics: dispensational theology, covenant theology, biblical theology
The Land Promise To Noah
In the second post in The Biblical Promise of Land series, we trace God’s interaction with Noah. Noah is given the same commission containing the same land promise as Adam, yet Noah and his descendants fail to fulfill that commission. We also start to recognize a pattern of judgement between God and humanity.
Topics: the cultural mandate, biblical theology
Jesus at the Feast of Booths: John 7-8 - Part 1
The first in a series of articles exploring the Old Testament background to the claims made by and about Jesus during the Feast of Booths as recorded in John 7-8.
Topics: old testament background, john, biblical theology
The People of God - Intro
The driving force of this blog series is simply this: that Christ may not be eclipsed by a people for whom He came. May He be exalted.
Topics: biblical theology