Topic: Dispensational Theology
One People - Part 2
Peter calls the church a “chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God.” Where does Peter get this language?
Topics: dispensational theology, covenant theology, biblical theology
One People - Part 1
So whether it is a believer before the cross of Christ or after, whether it is a Jew or a Greek, whether it is a slave or a freeman, there is one plan, on faith, one Mediator, and one body; for there is one Spirit - there is one people of God.
Topics: dispensational theology, covenant theology, biblical theology
One Land
There are not two peoples of God awaiting two different lands; there is one people of God who together will be made perfect in Christ Jesus at His glorious appearing!
Topics: dispensational theology, covenant theology, biblical theology
One Faith
While the New Covenant was indeed “New,” the elect of ALL time, both prior to and after the inauguration of it, are members of the New Covenant.
Topics: dispensational theology, covenant theology, biblical theology
One Tree
Paul said the gospel has gone to Gentiles that Israel (ethnic) might be envious; have we made them envious? Instead of making them envious we’ve sought to comfort them in their rejection of Christ.
Topics: dispensational theology, covenant theology, biblical theology
The People of God - Intro, Part 2
As we begin to understand that from Genesis to Revelation, there is one plan of God for one people of God redeemed by the Son of God, we begin to see the grace, compassion, love, forgiveness, and faithfulness of the LORD our God and the absolute wonder of the Gospel.
Topics: dispensational theology, covenant theology, biblical theology