Topic: Presbyterian
PCA General Assembly - I Rise to Speak…Almost
Update from 2012 General Assembly
Topics: presbyterian, general assembly, church
PCA General Assembly
2012 General Assembly Update
Topics: presbyterian, general assembly, church

Johnny Law
Is God’s law good for anything besides condemning us?
Topics: the law, reformed theology, presbyterian, lutheran

The New You
The image of God has been restored in those who believe so that Christians now want to serve God.
Topics: righteousness, reformed theology, presbyterian, lutheran

Understanding Sanctification
Much of the Bible describes and teaches sanctification, yet sanctification is a concept that Lutheran theology doesn’t fully grasp.
Topics: sanctification, reformed theology, presbyterian, lutheran, justification

Getting to Know Mr. Luther
The Lutheran Captivity of the Church: Part 2
So, what is Lutheranism anyway?
Topics: reformed theology, presbyterian, lutheran, justification

Lutheranism: My Introduction
I am beginning a new series investigating the differences between Lutheran and Reformed views of salvation.
Topics: reformed theology, presbyterian, lutheran, justification

Mr. Billingsley Goes To Presbytery
Yesterday I had the privilege of attending and participating in Presbytery for the first time. Going in, I had no intentions of writing about it, but my experience was so encouraging, fulfilling, and refreshing that I feel there are some things worth sharing with you.
Topics: presbyterian